Mar 30, 2020
The current crisis has seen dine-in restaurants to be significantly impaired. Many traditional restaurants that are now closed may not reopen. Social distancing could accelerate previous declines in the sector as consumers come to rely more on delivery and pick up.
Peter & Cordia Kitchens have been working on ghost...
Mar 27, 2020
Managing remotely or for that matter, performing as a part of a remote team or workforce is complex and challenging. Yet, it comes with its own pros as to being creative and innovative, in your zone, self-reliant and focused while also having the luxury of a flexible schedule to create an optimum and individual...
Mar 24, 2020
In the absence of a vaccine or herd immunity, social distancing is our only friend as we work together to flatten the curve while battling a highly contagious pandemic. To understand the WHAT, WHY & HOW, we need to understand the underlying science of it.
Let's listen in to understand how best we can stack up...
Mar 23, 2020
As a Tony Robbins Results Coach, Nick Davies changes lives on a daily basis! His passion is to guide his clients to the strengths they have inside and create lasting transformation in their internal and external lives!
Nick pulls from his deep business and life experiences to approach any situation and get...
Mar 20, 2020
Uncertainty is certain in modern times, in every facet of life. Embracing that fact does us a whole lot of good by helping us get decisive and action-oriented. Hope is not an answer and neither is being uncomfortable in the uncertainty surrounding us. The only way to be in control is to live in the present and take...